Our Christmas Letter for 2002

We are toying with the best way to post our letter.  Beside the main letter, here are some options:

If the main letter, which includes pictures, takes too long to load or if you have problems, try the text only version.

Our original letter was created in Microsoft Word (.doc) format.  If you would like to see or print this original version (2 pages at about 500k per page), click here:   Page 1  -  Page 2 

We also tried loading the letter on the site as an Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) file.  This is pretty close to Microsoft and can be printed.  Each page is about 160k.  Click here:       Page 1   -   Page 2

In working on the German version, we decided to try one of the translators available on the web.  We took our text only version (see above) and let the Alta Vista translator convert it from English to German.  If you know German, you might be interested in what it did.  Click here.

Then we took the resulting German text and had the website translator convert it back to English.  We were amazed at how well it did with a few parts and we had to really laugh at some of the other parts.  To see the results of the round-trip translation, click here.

Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions.  You can email us at khprice@aol.com.

Thanks for visiting.

Kent & Keena